Battered Pride Release Day!

Full disclosure. I love historical novels and I love Melissa Maygrove. She is a writer bestie.
But even with all of that bias, I can honestly say...this is a marvelous book.
Eva is determined, but being a lone woman on an unsettled claim is a challenge that many men and families failed to meet. Eva has the help of some very devoted friends and a creepy neighbor, but the magnitude of all she has to get done in a year to keep her claim feels insurmountable. Until fate, or some bad guys, drop a half-dead man in her field. He's half Mojave and Eva has a visceral fear of natives after finding her husband dead with his scalp removed.

But Eva is also a Christian woman, so she puts aside her distrust and dislike and nurses the man back to health. In return, he sticks around to help her tame her claim. And maybe her heart...

Now that's all I'm saying about the story. You'll have to read it for yourself. You won't regret it. Melissa always does her research, so her historic details are so authentic that you're transported back in time while between the pages.



Eva McCabe may have been raised in the genteel tea rooms of North Carolina, but she isn’t one to surrender. Even after finding her husband’s scalped and mutilated body in the field of their Oregon Territory land grant, she refuses to leave. But tenacity won’t be enough. If she can’t meet the grant’s conditions of cultivation, she’ll forfeit her independence and all 640 acres.

Hatchoq is a man of mixed blood and clashing heritage. His father’s people tolerate him, and his mother’s people want him dead. When he kills a rogue member of his clan to save a white, he’s doomed to wander brutal lands alone.Hatchoq camps on Eva’s land and secretly lends the struggling widow some aid. Once his presence is discovered, Eva is torn between bitterness and need. Reluctantly, they work side by side, farming her land and navigating a burning attraction neither one wants. Love grows as stubborn walls of hurt and anger crumble, but can it survive? If Hatchoq stays, he must deny his Mojave identity or risk both their lives.

The details:
Title: Battered Pride (Forging America Book 4)
Author: Melissa Maygrove
Genre: Western Historical Romance
Publisher: Truelove Press
Release date: 8/15/24 – Currently available for preorder
Amazon link:
Amazon series page:
Paperback is forthcoming (I'm waiting on the case you're wondering :) )
Print ISBN: 978-0-9960397-8-9
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